Opening Hours : Mon-Thu: 8.30am - 7.00pm Fri: 8.30am - 3.00pm Sat: 8.30am - 12.00pm
  Contact : Ph: 03 9707 4452 Email:

PhysioFit – first 2 weeks!

What has happened since the launch event….

We opened the doors to appointments on Monday 25th Jan, 2016 – only 2 short weeks ago – at PhysioFit Berwick. We have had a terrific response to the first few weeks of opening. Thanks to all who have supported the clinic in our infancy and opening weeks.

The launch event was a terrific success – thanks to all of those who attended – what a great start to PhysioFit Berwick. We had a crowd attend the launch, including including many children who seemed to enjoy the sausage sizzle and the helium balloons.

It is still very early days – if you are interested in just taking a walk through the premises and meeting Mark, please just drop by and our friendly receptionists Leanne and Cathy will anwer your questions and give you a quick tour. We look forward to providing a high quality physiotherapy service for Berwick-Beaconsfield-Officer in the coming years.

Mark Eibl, Physiotherapist

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